- Epic Stories

Boxitale™ Epic activity adventure (uses a smartphone)
This innovative game is an experience that includes 4 episodes, 45 minutes long. Each episode will take your child on a new adventure while building a new skill.
The group meets regularly in their hiding place at the treehouse, but something strange happens., A book starts to move on the book shelf, and they find themselves in the mystical land, “El- Animal”, where evil forces take control of the animal powers.
The kids use various crafted technics and a lot of imagination and creativity to solve the challenges and save “El Animal".
This is the perfect game to keep your kids busy and encourage STEM growth as it is designed to help build skills such as problem-solving, hand eye coordination, and motor skills.
Age 6+
1-4 players
Free App is included!
SKU: 1100001

Boxitale™ - Knights of Nature

Boxitale™ - Elite explorers

Captain Kadara has a secret mission of investigating the existence of an unknown space station found on an asteroid near Venus. He assembles a team that includes: Lumi, an “I can fix all” technician, a professor and the kids (in the game, they are called guardians).
Together, they discover the truth about the space station and they need to face the upcoming challenges that come with this new knowledge.
The kids use various crafted technics and a lot of imagination and creativity to solve the challenges and save Earth
Download our free app to stream original, animated content your kids will enjoy watching. While following along with the story on our beautiful Boxitale™ application
Age 6+
1-4 players
Free App is included!
SKU: 1200001